What used to be a small native settlement on the banks of Aswe River the Austinian Fathers founded the barrio of San Juan under the patronage of St. John the Baptist, whose feast is celebrated on the 24th of June.

Cholera ravaged the barrio in 1870 and many of the afflicted were cared by no less than the sister of the parish priest Fray Paulino Diaz. Upon the advice of this lady, the barrio was relocated farther inland away from the river bank to prevent another epidemic from happening.

When the barrio became a pueblo in 1877, San Juan was renamed Pueblo de Sara after the selfless sister of the parish priest. Later on it became a regular parish in 1895 with Paulino Diaz as curate. Formerly a small land, a simple barrio called San Juan, Sara was transformed into a prosperous town, rich and aesthetically urbanized through the indefatigable efforts of its first parish priest and his dedicated sister named Sara.

Paulino Diaz